Friday, 10 September 2010

4. somos amigos!

Fri 10 Sep
it's official. Scooby and i are now friends. No growling in the night if we pass on the landing. Phew! It must have been the walk we took Scooby on yesterday. We went out and saw many other dogs. Scooby tried to fight with them all. So now, i guess he sees me as a partner in crime. Bueno.

last night it was lovely to share in the family devotions with ant, roxy and mellie. mellie has been unwell with a bad throat and a cold. she also has an exam today, so yesterday 2 different teachers came round for extra lessons. i am so glad i don't go to her school!!!! yet she always seems happy and willing to go, and willing to learn. we read the bible and then a devotion for kids, before talking together about the reading. then we all prayed. these times as a family are clearly precious. it was nice to be part of them and, although not homesick yet, and with much still to be seen and done here, nevertheless, i look forward to being back at home too!!

a good night last night, although i did still wake at around 2.45am. but i have worked out why. the window has been closed and so by that time, i had used up all the fresh air. i woke up hot and ever so slightly out of breath... back in the uk it would not be a problem, but there is slighly less oxygen in arequipa than southport, hence my waking. but thankfully, went back to sleep before getting up about 6.30am.

breakfast this morning was a mild black tea and one ciabbatta (no butter). my tummy feels 95% so i thought it best not to run before i can walk. there are various teas i can try, from one that is similar to our uk tea, to ones with aniseed or other herbs. this one had some herb in it, and although a bit of an aquired taste, it went down nicely. anthony collects lovely bread rolls each morning from the local shop just 5 minute walk away. in many ways, peruvian life is still seems to be based around small shops and the local, personal touch.

anthony has had to go out for an hour to get some more documents signed. he hopes to return around 10am and then i shall try to phone home via skype...

this afternoon, we are going to villa majesterial to see the new children's club that is started. ant and roxy take the class together normally, with another. i will tag along and smile!!

that is all for now. i may get opportunity to write later.
hasta luego hermanos

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